Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pictures From the Past!! Enjoy!!!

Pictures from the PAST!! Enjoy these great pictures of my girls when they were younger!! They sure grow FAST!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Pictures of the Girls I thought you would like!

Thought this was funny!! My Girls have never seen a popcorn popper and were really excited when I got one and they got to watch the popcorn pop inside the machine!! They started laughing as it popped out and fell into the bowl!! You could hear them all over the house

Ella decided to help her daddy clean the kitchen!! Such a great little helper!

Only my child would dress-up like a Dr. Suess character!! HAHA!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Starting my Blog Back for all my special Family and Friends.

Can you believe How much my girls have grown? I haven't updated my Blog in a long time(July 2009). Since I had to do one for one of my Grad Classes I decided to start back so you could see all of the fun we are having and all the fun that we have in store. Baylee is now 10 and will be 11 on March 3rd and Ella is 4 and will be 5 on July 19th. Check back often for updates or become a follower!