We spent Saturday afternoon with Rev. Jason Adams and Amy Adams. Baylee had a buddy to go into the very cold ocean with and check out the alligator that they made. We had such a great visit with these very special people. We love you Jason and Amy!!!!
I am a teacher at Catoma Elementary. I teach Kindedrgarten and have been there for 15 years. I love my job and love my students. I love spending time with my family and love to be at the lake. As you can see we are a lake family!!
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Baylee is in the 5th grade at Prattville Intermediate. She loves to read and play in the water. She loves the lake and loves to be pulled on the tube. She is 10 years old and will be turning 11 on March 3rd.
Ella is our miracle baby! She was born at 1lb and 14oz. She may be little, but has a personality that you could just eat up!! Her favorite thing is to dress up in high heel shoes and fancy clothes. She will be 5 in July. She is our angel!!
Baylee and Ella
My Sweet Girls!!!!!
Lee is a great dad! Lee loves to hunt, work out in his workshop, and go to the lake. He is a construction Manger for the Montgomery County Board of Education. He is devoted to his family and loves to spend time with them.
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